VII Summit of the Americas in Panama – April 2015
Heads of State and Government at the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama on 11th April 2015
Ambassador Stephen Vasciannie and Alternate Representative of Jamaica to the OAS, Julia Hyatt
At the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama in April 2015
Members of the Jamaican Delegation to the 7th Summit of the Americas in Panama in April 2015 (L-R): Angela Rose-Howell, Assistant Director; Julia Hyatt, Alternate Representative of Jamaica to the OAS; and Ambassador Joy Wheeler, Under-Secretary – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
16th OAS Food Festival of the Americas – May 2015
Permanent Mission and Embassy of Jamaica staff and family at the OAS/OWA Food Festival in May 2015
Staff and Family of the Permanent Mission /Embassy of Jamaica
at the OAS Food Festival of the Americas May 17, 2015
Permanent Mission Staff manning the Jamaican booth at the OAS/OWA Food Festival in May 2015
OAS Secretary General Swearing in Ceremony – May 2015
Ambassador Stephen Vasciannie greets the new OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro Lemes, at his Swearing in Ceremony on 26th May 2015
45th OAS General Assembly in Washington D.C. – June 2015
(Left) Ambassador Stephen Vasciannie, Permanent Representative to the OAS
(Middle) Julia Hyatt, Alternate Representative to the OAS
(Right) Margarette May Macaulay (newly elected Jamaican Commissioner to the IACHR
for the period 2016-2019) at the 45th OAS General Assembly in Washington D.C. on 16th June 2015
(Right) Angella Rose-Howell, Assistant Director, Caribbean and Americas Department, MFA&FT
(2nd Right) Julia Hyatt, Alternate Representative of Jamaica to the OAS
(3rd Right)The Hon. Patrick Atkinson, Attorney General (Head of Delegation)
(3rd Left) Ambassador Stephen Vasciannie, Permanent Representative to the OAS,
(2nd Left) Margarette Macaulay, newly elected Jamaican Commissioner to the IACHR
(Left) Jacob Philips, Intern at the 45th OAS General Assembly in Washington D.C. on 16th June 2015
Permanent Mission’s Summer Interns – July 2015
Permanent Mission Interns, Mr. Jacob Phillips and Mr. Jelani Munroe – July 2015
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Ralph Thomas at the OAS on 18th September 2015
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Ralph Thomas at the OAS on 18th September 2015
Ambassador Ralph Thomas with Staff of the Permanent Mission /Embassy of Jamaica and family members
Ambassador Ralph Thomas with Permanent Representatives of OAS Member States and OAS Secretary General , Luis Almagro Lemes